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Recruiting in healthcare with Employee Referrals

Radancy's Employee Referrals empowers you to attract the best talent for your hard-to-fill roles.

Get expert guidance on how to optimize employee referrals for maximum impact on your healthcare recruitment strategy.

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A powerful recruiting channel in a competitive job market

The shortage of skilled workers is rapidly becoming the most prominent challenge healthcare companies face in recruitment. In 2022, there were 290,000 unfilled vacancies in Germany, and this number is expected to rise to 1.8 million by 2035.
The major contributing factors are the lack of skilled workers and the high propensity of employees to switch to other industries. (1)

Thus, it is crucial for healthcare companies to adopt an effective recruitment strategy to address this challenge.

Solve your recruiting challenges with employee referrals.

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Attract the best talent

Applications through employee referrals are 2.3 times more likely to result in a successful hire than other recruiting channels.

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Expand your reach to healthcare professionals

Leverage your employees' network to access a large pool of healthcare professionals with Radancy's Employee Referrals technology.

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Fill hard-to-fill roles

Birds of a feather flock together. Your employees refer candidates who align with your company culture and are more likely to stay on your team for the long term.

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Discover how healthcare companies utilize employee referrals in our insightful report.

We surveyed 45 healthcare companies on their use of employee referrals and summarized their responses in our Healthcare Benchmark Report. Download it now and take advantage of these valuable insights to implement and optimize your employee referral program.

Employee referrals have become imperative for a proactive recruiting strategy addressing the significant recruiting challenges.

  • Your employees are your best brand ambassadors.
    Referred healthcare professionals stay with the company longer than those hired via different recruiting channels. Additionally, employees who successfully refer candidates feel a stronger connection to the company. 


  • Gain access to the passive workforce and attract exceptional talent.
    Referrals are your most powerful tool to entice top performers from other industries and organizations to consider joining your team. You’ll be well equipped for the “war for talent” with employee referrals among your recruiting tools.



Your employee referrals are in good hands

Your employee referrals are being handled effectively with Radancy’s Employee Referrals technology.
Healthcare companies recruiting with Radancy’s Employee Referrals

B-A-D, Germany

B-A-D provides healthcare services to over 280,000 European companies in their workplaces. In 2019, B-A-D implemented an employee referral program in partnership with Radancy at 143 locations. The program has yielded impressive results, with 20% of hard-to-fill positions being filled within the first six months. Thanks to Radancy's Employee Referrals, B-A-D has successfully filled critical roles, such as those for physicians and IT staff, since implementing its employee referral program.

We already provide recruiting support to these healthcare companies

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Learn how to effectively use employee referrals for your recruiting strategy with advice from our referral experts. Fill out the form below to get started.


(1) pwc. Fachkräftemangel im deutschen Gesundheitswesen 2022. Zuletzt zugegriffen am 21.07.2023 von

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