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The results of the world’s biggest employee referral benchmark report are finally in!

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Recruiting Trends

Did you know? 65% of surveyed candidates say they’re more likely to accept a job offer if they could first experience the role through technologies like VR. Discover how VR and AI are revolutionizing the recruitment process, making it more efficient, inclusive, and engaging for everyone involved.
Revolutionize hiring with skills-based recruiting. Embrace an innovative approach that values competencies over credentials, leading to a diverse and dynamic workforce. Discover Siemens AG’s success story and learn how to implement this strategy for a future-ready talent pool.
Can AI and HR management work together to help you stay a step ahead in recruitment, development, and planning against the competition? The answer is: yes! The challenge for HR professionals lies in successfully combining the efficiency of AI tools with the human qualities of their employees, thus leading them into an exciting future of work.

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